The UPSC EPFO 2025 syllabus, exam pattern, selection process, preparation strategy, and other important points are discussed below in the article. Candidates preparing for the UPSC EPFO exam should go through these important details before preparing for the exam. By being aware of the syllabus, candidates can develop a strategic study plan, focusing on weaknesses and strengths, ultimately leading to a more effective and efficient preparation.

UPSC EPFO 2025 Syllabus
UPSC EPFO 2025 Syllabus
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Candidates preparing for the UPSC EPFO exam should review the UPSC EPFO 2025 syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly. Familiarizing with the UPSC EPFO 2025 Syllabus will help candidates understand the details about the subjects and topics from which questions will be asked in the exam. In addition to the syllabus, knowing the UPSC EPFO Exam Pattern is crucial for success. The exam pattern provides details about the marking scheme, marking distribution, important topics, and other essential information. In this article we have provided the complete details about the exam pattern, and syllabus with other details, go through the article and get all the information about the UPSC EPFO exam pattern and syllabus.

UPSC EPFO 2025 Syllabus: Overview

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducted the Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) exam to recruit an Enforcement Officer (EO) and Accounts Commission (AO) for the Employee Provident Fund Organization. The UPSC EPFO syllabus for 2025 has been released on its official website. It is essential to understand the exam pattern and syllabus to prepare effectively. We have provided an overview of the UPSC EPFO syllabus in the table below:

Exam Authority Union Public Service Commission
Post NameEnforcement Officer (EO)
Accounts Officer (AO)
CategorySyllabus and Exam Pattern
Selection ProcessWitten Exam and Interview
Personality Test
LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Job Location National (Across India)

UPSC EPFO Selection Process

UPSC EPFO exam 2025 selection process is based on two phases, a Written Exam (Pen- Paper Based), and an Interview (Personality Test). The breakdown of the two phases are:

Written Exam: The UPSC EPFO written exam is the first stage of the selection process for the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) Enforcement Officer (EO) and Accounts Officer (AO) positions. Where candidates answer all the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The mode of the exam is offline. Candidates who clear the written exam will be called for an interview.

Interview: The UPSC EPFO interview is the final stage of the selection process for the Employees. The Interview carries a weightage of Interview is 25% in the selection process.

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UPSC EPFO 2025: Detailed Syllabus

The UPSC EPFO/AP written exam comprises a comprehensive range of 9 topics,

The UPSC EPFO EO/AO Written Exam encompasses a comprehensive range of nine topics, forming a blend of various subject areas. This comprehensive syllabus is designed to assess the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and aptitude in various areas. The official notification for the UPSC EPFO EO/AO and APFC exams outlines the syllabus, which broadly covers several key areas:

  • General English
  • Indian Freedom Struggle
  • Current Events and Developmental Issues
  • Indian Polity & Economy
  • General Accounting Principles
  • Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
  • General Science & Knowledge of Computer Applications
  • General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude
  • Social Security in India
General English
Indian Freedom Struggle
Current Events and Developmental Issues
Indian Polity & Economy
General Accounting Principles
Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
General Science & Knowledge of Computer Applications
General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude
Social Security in India

UPSC EPFO 2025 Syllabus for General English

The detailed General English syllabus is given below:

General English
Parts of speech 
Structure of sentence
Subject-verb agreement
Nouns and pronouns
Verbs, tenses, and models
Preposition, conjunction, articles
Adjectives, adverbs, determiners 
Reading comprehension
Synonyms and antonyms 
Idioms and phrases 
One word substitution
Rearrangement para jumbles

UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Indian Freedom Struggle

Here is the detailed Indian Freedom Struggle:

Indian Freedom Struggle
Consolidation of British Empire: The Carnatic Wars, invasion of Bengal. Mysore and its confrontation with British expansion: The three Anglo-Maratha Wars. Regulating and Pitt’s India Acts. Early composition of the British Raj.
Indian Resistance to the British Rule: Early Uprisings, The 1857 Revolt-reasons, character, course and Result, Indian Freedom Struggle the first stage: Growth of national consciousness; creation of Associations; Establishment of the Indian National Congress and its Moderate stage; Swadeshi Movement; Economic Nationalism; The development of Extremism and the split in Congress; The policy of Divide and Rule; Congress-League Pact of 1916.
The era of Gandhiji: Civil Disobedience, the Khilafat movement, the Non-Cooperation Movement, and Quit India Movement; another strand in the National Movement-Revolutionaries, Subhash Chandra Bose, and the Indian National Army

Syllabus for Current Events & Developmental Issues

The detailed topics for Current Events & Developmental Issues are given below:

Current Events & Developmental Issues
Government schemes
Reports of national and international organizations
First in news
Defence exercises
Awards and milestones
Days in news
Persons in news
Fairs and festivals
Places in news
Books and authors

UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Indian Polity & Economy

The UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Indian Polity & Economy are discussed below:

The Indian Constitution
Historical Underpinnings
Evolutions, Features, Amendments, Functions, and Responsibilities of the Union and States
Parliament and State Legislatures
Welfare Schemes of Union and State Government,
Important aspects of Governance, Transparency, and Accountability
Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Right Issues
Economic Development and Growth
Macro and Microeconomics Policy
Fiscal Policy
Distributive Impact of Economic Policies

UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Indian Polity & Economy

Here is the detailed Syllabus for Indian Polity & Economy:

Indian Polity
Indian Constitution, historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments
Parliament and State Legislatures – Basic Structure, Functioning, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these,
Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States
Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes, Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance- applications,
Panchayati Raj
 Rights Issues and public policies.
Indian Economy
Indian Constitution, historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments
Parliament and State Legislatures – Basic Structure, Functioning, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these,
Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States
Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes, Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance- applications,
Panchayati Raj
 Rights Issues and Public Policies.

UPSC EPFO Syllabus for General Accounting Principles

This topic is held to check the candidate’s ability to apply accounting concepts to real-world scenarios. The Syllabus for General Accounting Principles includes:

General Accounting Principles
Principles of Accounting
Analysing & Recording Transactions,
Adjustments & Financial Statements,
Completion of the Accounting Cycles,
Subsidiary Ledgers
Special Journals

UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Industrial Relations & Labor

The details syllabus for the Industrial Relations & Labor is given below:

Industrial Relation
Industrial relation code (IRC) Bill
Model of Labor Reforms
Industrial Relation Code (IRC) Bill
Model of Labor Reforms
Sectors Applicable
Areas implemented

UPSC EPFO Syllabus General Science & Knowledge of Computer Applications 

Here is the detailed General Science & Knowledge of Computer Applications syllabus:

General Science & Knowledge of Computer Applications 
S.I. units,
Chemical Properties of Substance and their uses,
Chemical Name of Important substances 
Properties of Gases
Physical Change and Chemical Change
Surface Chemistry
Chemistry in Everyday Life
Facts about human body parts
 Nutrition in Animals and Plants,
Diseases and their causes 
Life Science
Computer Applications
Operating Systems
DBMS, Data Structure
Computer Network
 Input/Output Devices
Computer Organizations 
MS Office

UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude

Here is the detailed quantitative aptitude syllabus:

Quantitative Aptitude
Ratio and proportion
Mixture and allegation
Profit and loss
Simple and compound interest
Time and work
Pipe and cistern
Time and distance
Boats and streams
Mensuration 2D and 3D
Data interpretation

UPSC EPFO General Mental Ability Syllabus

Here is the detailed General Mental Ability Syllabus:

General Mental Ability
Alphabetical and alphanumeric series
Coding and decoding
Direction sense
Ranking and order
Blood relation
Letter series
Venn diagram
Counting figure
Cube and cuboid

UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Social Security in India

Here is the detailed Social Security in India Syllabus:

Social Security in India
Constitutional Provisions Concurrent List
Part IV Directive Principles of State Policy
Difference between Organized and Unorganized Sectors SOCIAL SECURITY LAWS in India
Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act)
Employees’ Provident Funds Act, 1952
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 (WC Act)
Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (M.B. Act)
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (P.G. Act)
Social Security In India: Different From Developed Nations, Provident Fund

UPSC EPFO Exam Pattern 2025

The UPSC EPFO exam pattern for 2025 includes a written exam and an interview. The written exam is 120 minutes long and consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The exam will be conducted for 300 marks, with each incorrect answer,1/3rd of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted.

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarks
General English
Indian Culture, Heritage & Freedom Movements & Current Events 
Population, Development and Globalization
Governance and Constitution of India
Present Trends in Indian Economy 
Accounting and Auditing, Industrial
Relations, Labour Laws, Insurance
Basic Knowledge of Computer Applications, General Science
Elementary Mathematics, Statistics and General Mental Ability.
Social Security In India

UPSC EPFO 2025 Syllabus PDF

With the EPFO Syllabus PDF, candidates can begin their preparation for the UPSC EPFO exam. By studying the outlined subjects and topics, candidates can gain a deeper understanding of the material and improve their chances of success.

Download UPSC EPFO 2025 Syllabus

UPSC EPFO 2025 Qualification Marks

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has specified the qualification marks for the UPSC EPFO 2025 exam. To qualify for the next stage of the selection process, candidates must secure the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination. The qualification marks are as follows:

  • General Category: 45% of the total marks
  • OBC/ EWS Category: 40% of the total marks
  • SC/ ST/ PH Category: 35% of the total marks

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Preparation Strategy for the UPSC EPFC 2025 Exam

To crack the UPSC EPFO 2025 exam, it is very important to have a well-planned strategy. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you prepare:

Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

  • Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, syllabus, and marking scheme.
  • Identify the key subjects and topics that will be tested.

Create a Study Plan

  • Develop a study plan that covers all the subjects and topics.
  • Allocate time for each subject and topic based on their weightage and importance.
  • Set realistic goals and milestones.

Gather Study Materials

  • Collect relevant study materials, including textbooks, online resources, and practice tests.
  • Focus on authoritative sources, such as government publications and official websites.

Focus on Key Subjects

  • Concentrate on key subjects, such as General Accounting Principles, Industrial Relations and Labor Laws, and Social Security in India.
  • Develop a deep understanding of these subjects and their applications.

Practice with Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers

  • Practice with mock tests and previous year papers to assess your knowledge and identify areas for improvement.
  • Analyze your performance and adjust your study plan accordingly.

Improve Your Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness

  • Focus on improving your quantitative aptitude and general awareness.
  • Practice numerical problems and stay updated on current events.

Develop Your Communication Skills

  • Develop your communication skills, including written and verbal communication.
  • Practice writing essays, reports, and other written documents.

Stay Motivated and Focused

  • Stay motivated and focused throughout your preparation journey.
  • Join a study group or find a study partner to stay engaged and motivated.

UPSC EPFA 2025 Syllabus FAQs

What is the age limit for the UPSC EPFO APFC exam? 

The age limit for the UPSC EPFO APFC exam is 18 to 35 years. 

What is the educational qualification for the UPSC EPFO exam?

A bachelor’s degree in any discipline is required. 

Will UPSC EPFO be held in 2025?

Yes, the UPSC EPFO exam is expected to be held in 2025

How many attempts are there in UPSC EPFO?

According to previous notifications, there is no specified restriction on the number of attempts for the UPSC EPFO exam.


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