SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025: The Semi-Conductor Laboratory conducts the SCL Assistant exam, candidates preparing for the exam must understand the syllabus and exam, pattern in depth for effective preparation. Below, we provide a detailed breakdown of the exam pattern, syllabus, and marking structure.

SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025
SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025
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The Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL) has announced the recruitment of Assistants for 2025. As part of the selection process, candidates must appear for a written examination, followed by document verification. Understanding the exam pattern and syllabus is crucial for effective preparation. This article provides a detailed breakdown of the SCL Assistant Exam Pattern and Syllabus to help candidates prepare efficiently.

Exam Conducting BodySemi-Conductor Laboratory
Exam NameAssistant (Administrative Support Staff)
Exam Scheme100 Questions
100 Marks
Negative Marking-0.25 Marks
Duration2 Hours
For more detailsClick Here

SCL Assistant Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025

The SCL Assistant Written Exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), divided into two parts. The exam will be OMR-based, and there will be negative markings for wrong answers. The subjects include Quantitative Aptitude, Basic Computer Knowledge, General Intelligence and Reasoning, English Comprehension, General Knowledge, and Current Affairs. Candidates should complete the exam within 2 hours.

SectionNo. of questionsMarks
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Computer Knowledge2020
Reasoning Ability2020
English Comprehension2020
GK/Current Affairs2020

SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025

We have provided a comprehensive overview of the SCL Assistant 2025 Syllabus, covering all subject-wise topics for the candidates’ reference. To excel in the examination, we recommend creating a study schedule that encompasses all the topics, ensuring thorough preparation. Additionally, candidates can supplement their studies with valuable resources such as mock tests and online classes to further enhance their readiness for the upcoming examination.

SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025 for Quantitative Aptitude

The topics included in the Reasoning syllabus are mentioned below for the candidates:

NumberWhole numbers, decimals, fractions, relationships between numbers
PercentageCalculation and applications of percentages
Ratio & ProportionRatios, proportions, variations
AlgebraBasic algebraic identities, elementary surds, and linear equations
AveragesCalculation of averages
InterestSimple and compound interest, problems related to interest
Profit and LossCalculations of profit, loss, and discount
DiscountCalculations on discounts, successive discounts
Partnership BusinessProblems on partnership and investment distribution
Mixture and AlligationMixture problems, alligation rule
Time and DistanceSpeed, time, distance relation, relative speed
Time & WorkWork, time, and efficiency relation, problems on work
GeometryTriangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, angles, and properties
Circle GeometryChords, tangents, angles subtended, common tangents to circles
Mensuration2D and 3D shapes (e.g., area of circle, volume of cylinders, cones, sphere)
TrigonometryTrigonometric ratios, identities, complementary angles, heights and distances
Graphical RepresentationBar diagram, pie chart, histogram, frequency polygon
Coordinate GeometryGraphs of linear equations, equations of lines, distance between points

SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025 for Computer Knowledge

The computer knowledge includes 20 questions that the candidates need to answer in the written examination:

Basics of ComputersTypes of computers, components of a computer, hardware and software
Operating SystemFunctions of an operating system, types of operating systems (e.g., Windows, Linux)
Network & InternetTypes of networks (LAN, WAN), internet services, browsing, and email
Office Productivity ToolsWord processing, creating and formatting documents (Word)
SpreadsheetCreating and editing spreadsheets, formulas, functions (Excel)
PowerPointCreating presentations, slide design, inserting images, animations (PowerPoint)
Internet SecurityBasic knowledge of firewalls, antivirus software, and online safety

SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025 for Reasoning Ability

The topics included in the Reasoning syllabus are mentioned below for the candidates:

Verbal ReasoningAnalogies, similarities and differences, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making
Non-Verbal ReasoningSpace visualization, spatial orientation, figural classification, visual memory, figural patterns
Number SeriesArithmetic number series, numerical operations, symbolic/number analogy
Series & PatternsSemantic series, number series, figural series, figural pattern folding, completion
ClassificationSemantic classification, symbolic/number classification, figural classification
Coding & DecodingWord building, coding-decoding, small & capital letters/numbers coding, decoding, and classification
Problem SolvingWord problems, spatial orientation, problem solving, trends, and critical thinking
Spatial AbilitySpace orientation, space visualization, punched hole/pattern folding and unfolding
Syllogism & LogicSyllogistic reasoning, statement conclusion, drawing inferences
MiscellaneousVenn diagrams, indexing, address matching, date & city matching, embedded figures, emotional & social intelligence
Reasoning OperationsSymbolic operations, numerical and symbolic operations, trends, and logical reasoning

SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025 for English Comprehension

The topics included in the Reasoning syllabus are mentioned below for the candidates:

Understanding EnglishAbility to understand and interpret English correctly
ComprehensionReading comprehension, identifying key points, and answering questions based on passage
Grammar and UsageSentence correction, parts of speech, tenses, subject-verb agreement, etc.
VocabularySynonyms, antonyms, idioms, and phrases
Writing AbilitySentence formation, paragraph writing, error detection, and composition skills
Cloze TestFilling in blanks with appropriate words based on the context
PunctuationUse of punctuation marks, error correction, and sentence clarity

SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025 for GK/Current Affairs

The General Knowledge topics are mentioned here for the candidates:

General AwarenessKnowledge of the environment, society, and everyday observations and experiences
Current EventsQuestions on recent developments in national and international affairs
India and Neighboring CountriesHistory, culture, geography, political setup, and relations with neighboring countries
HistoryAncient, medieval, and modern history of India and world history
CultureArt, literature, music, festivals, and traditions of India and other countries
GeographyPhysical, political, and economic geography of India and the world
Economic SceneIndian economy, economic policies, current economic trends, and financial institutions
General PolicyGovernment policies, Indian constitution, political system, and national organizations
Scientific ResearchAdvances in science and technology, important discoveries, and current scientific research

To download the previous year’s question papers in PDF format of the SCL Assistant exam

SCL Assistant Syllabus 2025 Marking Structure

The SCL Assistant Written Exam follows a structured marking scheme to review candidates effectively. Below is the detailed marking structure:

AspectMarking Scheme
Total Questions100 MCQs
Total Marks100
Marks per Question+1 mark
Negative Marking-0.25 for each wrong answer
Unattempted QuestionsNo marks deducted


What is the selection process for SCL Assistant exam 2025?

Written exam and document verification.

What are the subjects covered in the syllabus for SCL Assistant 2025?

Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English, Computer Knowledge, and General Awareness.

How can I apply for SCL Assistant 2025?

Online application through the official website.

Is there any relaxation in age limit for reserved categories for SCL Assistant 2025?

Yes, age relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD candidates.



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